Wednesday, February 5
1:00 PM - Congregational Care Cmte/BH
2:00 PM - Bookworms - Black Cake by Charmaine Wilkerson/Zoom
7:00 PM - Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, February 6
11:00 AM - 9:00 PM - NEW DAY Fundraiser at On the Border (I-20)
Saturday, February 8
8:00 AM - Mobile Food Pantry/St. Andrew's UMC
4:30 PM - Pastor Kate & WPC 10th Anniversary Party/FH
Sunday, February 9
Keep bringing your "Woven Together" pledge cards!
9:45 AM - Sunday School for All Ages
11:00 AM - Worship - Souper Bowl of Caring
12:15 PM - Mission Cmte/library
12:15 PM - Youth Group lunch & pack NEW DAY bags
Rooted in God's love and grace, we worship, learn, give, and connect, refreshing people with Living Water. We reach out to share the Water with all who thirst.
Rooted in God's love and grace, we worship, learn, give, and connect, refreshing people with Living Water. We reach out to share the Water with all who thirst.