
Wednesday, February 5

1:00 PM - Congregational Care Cmte/BH

2:00 PM - Bookworms - Black Cake by Charmaine Wilkerson/Zoom

7:00 PM - Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, February 6

11:00 AM - 9:00 PM - NEW DAY Fundraiser at On the Border (I-20)

Saturday, February 8

8:00 AM - Mobile Food Pantry/St. Andrew's UMC

4:30 PM - Pastor Kate & WPC 10th Anniversary Party/FH

Sunday, February 9

Keep bringing your "Woven Together" pledge cards!

9:45 AM - Sunday School for All Ages

11:00 AM - Worship - Souper Bowl of Caring

12:15 PM - Mission Cmte/library

12:15 PM - Youth Group lunch & pack NEW DAY bags

Worship - Learn - Give - Connect

Rooted in God's love and grace, we worship, learn, give, and connect, refreshing people with Living Water. We reach out to share the Water with all who thirst.

Worship - Learn
Give - Connect

Rooted in God's love and grace, we worship, learn, give, and connect, refreshing people with Living Water. We reach out to share the Water with all who thirst.

© WPC Arlington/Website by Hazel Digital Media
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